First Communion Classes
Instituted by Jesus, Holy Communion is one of two Sacraments in the Lutheran Church. Through Holy Communion, we receive God’s gift of forgiveness. Preparation classes are provided in advance and vary by age.
For children in grades K-5, First Communion instruction will be offered on Sunday, November 10 from 11 a.m. to noon in the Theater. We practice open communion here at Zion, so parents, if you feel your children are ready, please sign up. Please register all children and at least one accompanying adult. Children will receive their First Communion at the service of your choice. If you’re unable to attend the November class, our next grade K-5 classes will be in March, including a Sunday or Wednesday option. Register by clicking on the Registration Events tab at the top of the page. Contact Ann Campbell for more information.
Preschool First Communion will be offered November 17 from 10-11 a.m. in the Chapel. Instruction is geared towards kids ages 3-6 with an adult. Parents/caregivers will join their children for the opening of Holy Shenanigans Sunday School at 10 a.m., then remain in the Chapel for First Communion instruction around 10:20 a.m. led by Lee and Pastor Connie. Register by clicking on the Registration Events tab at the top of the page. Contact Lee Neitge for more information.