Local & Global Missions

Zion’s Core Values for Serving: Food, Shelter, Care for the Vulnerable, and Local & Global Missions



Zion’s Core Values for Serving guide who we are and how God is calling us to respond.
The core value for local and global missions means we serve the needs of the community, at home and abroad.

Camp Wapo

Zion financially supports Camp Wapo, a Lutheran Bible camp located in Amery, Wisconsin. Each year Zion sends youth of all ages to experience God’s love at this beautiful camp setting.

Nicaragua ILFE

Zion Lutheran Church and The Lutheran Church of Faith and Hope (Igelsia Luterana de Nicaragua Fe Y Esperanza) have a long and rich history of partnership in ministry and have been companion churches since February 2013.



Michael Busbey, ELCA Missionary in Central America
Steve and Kim Blewett, Missionaries in Papua New Guinea

Volunteer Opportunities

Category: Volunteer Opportunities